420+ Clean and Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

Looking for fun and clean Never Have I Ever Questions for your next get together? 1. Never have I ever fallen asleep at work. 2. Never have I ever bunked school. 3. Never have I ever had head lice.

You've stumbled upon our list of best Never have I ever questions!

Whether you are having a virtual team building activity at work, out for a party with friends or a small family get together, we all look for icebreaker games to add some life to the room.

Party games are always so much fun and can add a lot of fun and laughter to the night. 

One such popular game is “Never Have I Ever” and is the ultimate party pleaser to form bonds and get to know each other.

Mostly versions of dirty never have I ever questions are preferred at parties, however, clean never have I ever game can be equally fun. 

Read more: 25 Best Icebreaker Questions For Your Next Christmas Get Together

Never have i ever questions

In this article, you'll find

1. Clean Never Have I Ever Questions for Work
2. Funny Never Have I Ever Questions
3. Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions
4. Best Never Have I Ever Questions for Adults
5. Never Have I Ever Questions for Teenagers
6. Fun Never Have I Ever Questions for Friends
7. Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples
8. Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions for Friends

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Clean Never Have I Ever Questions for Work

Clean Never Have I Ever Questions for Work

1. Never have I ever pretended to be productive at work.

2. Never have I ever forgotten a coworker's name.

3. Never have I ever played a prank on a coworker.

4. Never have I ever eaten someone else’s lunch from the office fridge.

5. Never have I ever fallen asleep at work.

6. Never have I ever drunk dialled someone at work.

7. Never have I ever lied about something to a boss.

8. Never have I ever gone to a Zoom meeting without pants.

9.Never have I ever started drinking before the work day is over.

10. Never have I ever watched a movie at work.

Read more: This or That Questions 

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

11. Never have I ever gone without a bath or shower for more than a week.

12. Never have I ever accidentally set something on fire.

13. Never have I ever thought a friend’s baby was ugly.

14. Never have I ever blamed a fart on a pet.

15. Never have I ever told a friend a lie to get out of hanging out with them.

16. Never have I ever been kicked out of a pub.

17. Never have I ever made faked liking someone’s cooking.

18. Never have I ever smelled my toes.

19. Never have I ever smelled to check whether the underwear was dirty.

20. Never have I ever accidentally made a bad face at someone.

Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions

21. Never have I ever clogged somebody else’s toilet.

22. Never have I ever had head lice.

23. Never have I ever not washed my hands after using the toilet.

24. Never have I ever eaten an out of date food.

25. Never have I ever taken something out of the toilet.

26. Never have I ever eaten something that is alive.

27. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.

28. Never have I ever slept on the same sheets for two months.

29. Never have I ever stuck eaten gum on a surface in public.

30. Never have I ever stepped on poop.

Read more: Most Likely To Questions

Best Never Have I Ever Questions for Adults

31. Never have I ever walked barefoot on the streets.

32. Never have I ever called in sick and gone to the pub.

33. Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.

34. Never have I ever broken something in a friend’s house.

35. Never have I ever been in a physical fight.

36. Never have I ever driven without a license.

37. Never have I ever botched a job interview.

38. Never have I ever gotten stitches.

39. Never have I ever felt an earthquake.

40. Never have I ever pretended to be someone else on a phone call.

Read more: 13 Fun Question Games to Enjoy

Never Have I Ever Questions for Teenagers

Never Have I Ever Questions for Teenagers

41. Never have I ever stayed up all night playing video games.

42. Never have I ever spent my birthday alone.

43. Never have I ever kept a secret I’ve told to no one.

44. Never have I ever laughed in the middle of a lecture.

45. Never have I ever bunked school.

46. Never have I ever been mean to someone at school.

47. Never have I ever broken a bone.

48. Never have I ever pretended to like someone.

49. Never have I ever used a fake ID.

50. Never have I ever woken up to do the homework in the middle of the night.

Read more: 8 Fun Online Zoom Games to Play with your Coworkers

Fun Never Have I Ever Questions for Friends

51. Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend.

52. Never have I ever snooped through a friend’s phone.

53. Never have I ever made fun of my best friend behind their back.

54. Never have I ever lied to a friend to avoid a greater evil.

55. Never have I ever broken something at a friend’s house and then not told them.

56. Never have I ever deleted a post because it didn't get enough likes.

57. Never have I ever used a friend’s Netflix password.

58. Never have I ever lied to a friend’s parent to save them from trouble.

59. Never have I ever re-gifted a friend’s gift.

60. Never have I ever told my parents I was staying at a friend's house but was really somewhere else.

Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples

61. Never have I ever forgotten about a date night.

62. Never have I ever taken my partner’s entire blanket while sleeping.

63. Never have I ever used my partner’s toothbrush.

64. Never have I ever gotten lucky with a cheesy pick up line.

65. Never have I ever forgot to pick up my kids from school.

66. Never have I ever said “I love you” by accident.

67. Never have I ever mistakenly bumped a baby’s head.

68. Never have I ever gossiped about someone with my partner as soon as they left.

69. Never have I ever snooped through my partner’s stuff.

70. Never have I ever stalked my partner’s ex on social media.

71. Never have I ever completely changed university majors.

72. Never have I ever fell asleep in the shower.

73. Never have I ever slept in an airport.

74. Never have I ever eaten out more than three times in one day.

75.Never have I ever witnessed a tornado.

76. Never have I ever attended a video call for work from the toilet.

77.  Never have I ever been in a music video.

78. Never have I ever asked anyone else to do my homework for me.

79. Never have I ever given a funny nickname to a teacher.

80. Never have I ever gone to a place just for social media.

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Deep Never Have I Ever Questions

81. Never have I ever regretted an apology.

82. Never have I ever done something bad and blamed someone else for it.

83. Never have I ever dated someone just for their looks.

84. Never have I ever been insecure about my income.

85. Never have I ever regretted my life choices.

86. Never have I ever bragged about something I have not done.

87. Never have I ever compared myself to someone on social media.

88. Never have I ever felt awkward in a group.

89. Never have I ever lied about my income.

90. Never have I ever felt insecure about my looks.

91. Never have I ever spent money that wasn’t mine to spend.

92. Never have I ever saved someone’s life.

Read more: Fun question game for workplace

Never Have I Ever Questions for Workplace

93. Never have I ever stolen someone's lunch from the break room refrigerator.

94. Never have I ever worked in my pajamas all day.

95. Never have I ever attempted to speak during a Zoom meeting without first unmuting myself.

96. Never have I ever worked at the same company as my significant other.

97. Never have I ever worked at the same company as my parents.

98. Never have I ever had a snack stash at work.

99. Never have I ever switched careers.

100. Never have I ever had a medical emergency at work.

101. Never have I ever brought my pet to work with me.

102. Never have I ever snooped on a coworker's social media accounts.

103. Never have I ever snooped on a client's social media accounts.

104. Never have I ever been given a really nice present by a client.

105. Never have I ever been given a really nice present by a boss.

106. Never have I ever made a salary of more than $100,000

107. Never have I ever been harassed at work.

108. Never have I ever quit my job because of a terrible boss.

109. Never have I ever gone through a coworker's belongings.

110. Never have I ever pretended to be sick and gone to a bar.

111. Never have I ever fallen asleep at work.

112. Never have I ever been fired from a job.

113. Never have I ever lied about my income.

114. Never have I ever lied about my work experience.

115. Never have I ever been in love with a coworker.

116. Never have I ever eaten my coworker's snacks.

117. Never have I ever said anything behind my boss's back.

118. Never have I ever lied about what I do for a living.

119. Never have I ever had a crush on one of my clients.

120. Never have I ever froze during an interview

121. Never have I ever had a coworker who was attempting to destroy me.

122. Never have I ever had a crush on one of my coworkers.

123. Never have I ever used to have a job where I was paid to do nothing.

124. Never have I ever got a job for which I was not qualified, but got it because of a family member or friend.

125. Never have I ever gotten a job because of my good looks.

126. Never have I ever attended an office party and become inebriated.

Read more: Would you rather questions

Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions for Friends

127. Never have I ever thrown up on someone.

128. Never have I ever popped someone else's pimple.

129. Never have I ever eaten food that had fallen on the floor.

130. Never have I ever peed in the shower.

131. Never have I ever gone a week without taking a shower.

132. Never have I ever sniffed my own armpits.

133. Never have I ever peeled my dead skin.

134. Never have I ever worn my dirty gym clothes all day.

135. Never have I ever left the bathroom without first washing my hands.

136. Never have I ever slept with my makeup on.

137. Never have I ever slept with my contacts in.

138. Never have I ever peeled off my nail polish.

139. Never have I ever peed my pants in public.

140. Never have I ever sucked the end of a borrowed pen and then returned it.

141. Never have I ever fallen and landed in poop.

142. Never have I ever wiped a booger on some furniture.

143. Never have I ever stepped in poop from a pet.

144. Never have I ever in a public restroom, sat on a wet toilet seat.

145. Never have I ever tracked dog feces inside my shoe.

146. Never have I ever had a stranger throw up on me.

147. Never have I ever made bystanders gag with my stinky feet.

148. Never have I ever drank spoiled milk.

149. Never have I ever scuffed my behind in public.

150. Never have I ever had food coming out of my nose.

151. Never have I ever walked over a dead animal.

152. Never have I ever eaten my own vomit.

153. Never have I ever inadvertently worn someone else's underwear.

154. Never have I ever bitten my toes.

155. Never have I ever prepared food without first washing my hands.

156. Never have I ever vomited and then continued to eat.

157. Never have I ever sneezed into my hands.

158. Never have I ever wiped snot on my sleeve.

159. Never have I ever eaten food from a garbage can.

160. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet by accident.

161. Never have I ever put gum under a desk before.

162. Never have I ever gotten sick on a rollercoaster.

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Never Have I Ever Questions for Adults

Never Have I Ever Questions for Adults

163. Never have I ever quit a job on the first day.

164. Never have I ever documented every detail of a day on social media.

165. Never have I ever been on a flight that lasted more than 12 hours.

166. Never have I ever been fired from a job.

167. Never have I ever gone to the movies by myself.

168. Never have I ever learned a new language.

169. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo that I haven't told anyone about.

170. Never have I ever broken up with a partner on the same day we met.

171. Never have I ever eaten raw chicken.

172. Never have I ever witnessed a total or annular solar eclipse.

173. Never have I ever interrupted a work meeting with my boss.

174. Never have I ever traveled on a train solo.

175. Never have I ever watched TV upside down.

176. Never have I ever kissed my pet.

177. Never have I ever ridden a motorcycle.

178. Never have I ever played beer pong before.

179. Never have I ever made a prank call.

180. Never have I ever gone sledding before.

181. Never have I ever made someone cry by giving them a gift.

182. Never have I ever tried baby food as an adult.

183. Never have I ever gone skydiving before.

184. Never have I ever been to the Grand Canyon.

185. Never have I ever been to Las Vegas.

186. Never have I ever had a crush on a cartoon character.

187. Never have I ever had a psychic reading.

188. Never have I ever flown first class.

189. Never have I ever swum with sharks before.

190. Never have I ever been in an ambulance before.

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Never Have I Ever Questions for Teenagers

191. Never have I ever cried in the shower.

192. Never have I ever cut my own hair without assistance.

193. Never have I ever pretended to enjoy a movie in order to impress someone.

194. Never have I ever been locked in an elevator before.

195. Never have I ever missed my alarm and overslept.

196. Never have I ever eaten an unusual food combination.

197. Never have I ever made a recipe that failed.

198. Never have I ever bought something and kept it from my parents.

199. Never have I ever had my friends over while my parents were away.

200. Never have I ever made up a lie to avoid going to school.

201. Never have I ever stolen anything from my parent's closet.

202. Never have I ever said I was full when I was hungry.

203. Never have I ever played Truth or Dare.

204. Never have I ever stayed up all night before.

205. Never have I ever pretended to be sick in order to miss school.

206. Never have I ever been summoned to the principal's office.

207. Never have I ever broken a bone while participating in sports.

208. Never have I ever lied to a teacher.

209. Never have I ever been envious of my friends.

210. Never have I ever been embarrassed in front of my crush.

211. Never have I ever tried to look like a celebrity.

212. Never have I ever passed notes in class.

213. Never have I ever been to a school dance.

214. Never have I ever done anything particularly embarrassing in class.

215. Never have I ever tried to sit next to my crush in a restaurant.

216. Never have I ever spelled my name incorrectly.

217. Never have I ever slept in my underwear.

218. Never have I ever worn my shirt inside out in public before.

219. Never have I ever watched SpongeBob SquarePants as a kid.

220. Never have I ever seen anyone scratch their nose.

221. Never have I ever eaten anything that I knew belonged to someone else.

222. Never have I ever cursed a teacher before.

223. Never have I ever hurt anyone's feelings.

224. Never have I ever cried in class.

225. Never have I ever stolen someone else's idea.

226. Never have I ever stolen anything from a cafe before.

227. Never have I ever puked on a roller coaster before.

228. Never have I ever had a beer before.

229. Never have I ever seen the movie Titanic.

230. Never have I ever dipped Mentos in Coca-Cola or Pepsi.

231. Never have I ever ridden my bike on the sidewalk.

232. Never have I ever cried in the shower after a breakup.

233. Never have I ever received a speeding ticket.

234. Never have I ever had a bad fall because I was distracted by my phone.

235. Never have I ever taken food from the garbage to eat.

236. Never have I ever kissed and told.

237. Never have I ever pulled a push door.

238. Never have I ever rubbed something other than toothpaste on someone else's toothbrush.

239. Never have I ever tried to see how many marshmallows I could fit in my mouth.

240. Never have I ever worn my parents' clothes.

241. Never have I ever pooped my pants.

242. Never have I ever dated someone solely to make my ex jealous.

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243. Never have I ever been with my best friend's former love.

244. Never have I ever dated a sibling's friend.

245. Never have I ever un-shared my location with a friend.

246. Never have I ever had feelings for a friend's partner.

247. Never have I ever complained about a roommate.

248. Never have I ever slept in my roommate's bed.

249. Never have I ever been a bridesmaid.

250. Never have I ever on purpose given someone bad advice.

251. Never have I ever written a love letter.

252. Never have I ever moved in with someone too soon.

253. Never have I ever been embarrassed in front of my partner.

254. Never have I ever dated someone because of their looks.

255. Never have I ever forgotten about my partner's birthday.

256. Never have I ever disliked my partner's parents.

257. Never have I ever dozed off on someone while watching a movie.

258. Never have I ever gone on a blind date.

259. Never have I ever lied to impress anyone.

260. Never have I ever been in love at first sight.

261. Never have I ever smelled my partner's clothes.

262. Never have I ever dated one of my coworkers.

263. ever have I ever fallen in love at first sight

264. Never have I ever lied to have my way

265. Never have I ever been tired of going out on dates

266. Never have I ever thought the person I was dating was not attractive

267. Never have I ever thought about someone else on a date

268. Never have I ever been rejected when I tried to kiss someone

269. Never have I ever flirted with someone else during a relationship

270. Never have I ever dumped someone

271. Never have I ever had a strange dream about someone else’s partner

272. Never have I ever punched someone in the face

273. Never have I ever fought over someone I liked

274. Never have I ever used an online dating site

275. Never have I ever dated someone for over a year

276. Never have I ever hated the pet of someone I was dating

277. Never have I ever crushed on a celebrity

278. Never have I ever slipped out and fallen on nothing in front of someone I liked

279. Never have I ever dreamt of my wedding day

280. Never have I ever gone on a double date

281. Never have I ever tried to impress someone who hates me

282. Never have I ever  asked my date to pay because I forgot my wallet or didn't have enough money

283. Never have I ever had a picnic date

284. Never have I ever dated someone through a friend

285. Never have I ever gone skydiving with a significant other

286. Never have I ever run a marathon before.

287. Never have I ever lifted weights for a workout.

288. Never have I ever gone viral on the internet.

289. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.

290. Never have I ever served on a jury.

291. Never have I ever saved someone's life.

292. Never have I ever made a recipe from a blog.

293. Never have I ever seen a famous person on the street before.

294. Never have I ever returned a meal from a restaurant.

295. Never have I ever regretted making an apology.

296. I've never told a lie to my best friend.

297. Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter during the school year.

298. Never have I ever lied about my age.

299. Never have I ever been arrested before.

300. Never have I ever surfed before.

301. Never have I ever been electrocuted.

302. Never have I ever received any stitches.

303. Never have I ever gone hunting before. 

304. Never have I ever been vegan.

305. Never have I ever tried bungee jumping.

306. Never have I ever had lice before.

307. Never have I ever been drunk.

308. Never have I ever farted in public before.

309. Never have I ever hidden chewing gum beneath a table.

310. Never have I ever attempted to make a keg stand before.

311. Never have I ever farted in a pool.

312. Never have I ever violated the "five-second rule."

313. Never have I ever called the cops on anyone.

314. Never have I ever jumped off of a trampoline.

315. Never have I ever told a truly terrible joke.

316. Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework.

317. Never have I ever seen the same show five times in my life.

318. Never have I ever visited a hospital.

319. Never have I ever tripped because of my shoelaces.

320. Never have I ever experienced a natural disaster.

Deep and thoughtful Never Have I Ever Questions

Deep and thoughtful Never Have I Ever Questions

321. Never have I ever regretted an apology.

322. Never have I ever wished I could go back in time and do something differently.

323. Never have I ever helped a stranger.

324. Never have I ever questioned the reason for my existence.

325. Never have I ever been married more than once.

326. Never have I ever recorded myself crying.

327. Never have I ever left myself a motivational voicemail.

328. Never have I ever used affirmations to make myself feel better.

329. Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza by myself before.

330. Never have I ever been smitten by someone.

331. Never have I ever romanticized my life.

332. Never have I ever lost interest in something I used to enjoy.

333. Never have I ever grown tired of a relationship.

334. Never have I ever broken a promise before.

335. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

336. Never have I ever snitched on anyone else at work.

337. Never have I ever donated an organ before.

338. Never have I ever lied to a law enforcement officer.

339. Never have I ever thought a friend's baby was unattractive.

340. Never have I ever held a grudge for more than a year.

341. Never have I ever revealed anything I swore to keep private.

342. Never have I ever witnessed someone die.

343. Never have I ever been hospitalized.

344. Never have I ever ruined someone else's vacation.

345. Never have I ever considered the meaning of my life.

346. Never have I ever regretted my career choice.

347. Never have I ever considered fleeing to a deserted island.

348. Never have I ever tried to reinvent myself.

349. Never have I ever tried to be someone I'm not.

350. Never have I ever traveled alone before.

351. Never have I ever gotten lost in my thoughts.

352. Never have I ever wished to be famous.

353. Never have I ever learned a new language.

354. Never have I ever been confused before.

355. Never have I ever forgotten my birthday.

356. Never have I ever fallen out of love.

357. Never have I ever had a dreadful nightmare before.

358. Never have I ever imagined myself dating a celebrity.


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359. Never have I ever used a fictitious name.

360. Never have I ever dumped someone over text.

361. Never have I ever gotten sick of public transportation.

362. Never have I ever lied to anyone in this room

363. Never have I ever texted an ex out of nowhere.

364. Never have I ever lied on a dating app.

365. Never have I ever stolen anything from a store.

366. Never have I ever taken money from my mother's purse.

367. Never have I ever found Christmas presents before the holiday season.

368. Never have I ever gone to sleep without brushing my teeth.

369. Never have I ever stayed awake all night after hearing a scary story.

370. Never have I ever considered escaping from a ninja, zombie, or alien.

371. Never have I ever  peed in the shower

372. Never have I ever stalked an ex's new partner on social media.

373. Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar or club.

374. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping before.

375. Never have I ever said "I love you" when I didn't mean it

376. Never have I ever been mugged.

377. Never have I ever broken a bone.

378. Never have I ever lied about leaving the club early.

379. Never have I ever been sick of a friend or someone else.

380. Never have I ever catfished anyone

381. Never have I ever been denied entry to a club.

382. Never have I ever had a holiday romance.

383. Never have I ever used someone else's soap.

Interesting Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids

384. Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework.

385. Never have I ever done karate before.

386. Never have I ever seen the same show five times.

387. Never have I ever danced in the rain before.

388. Never have I ever eaten candy that was more than six months old.

389. Never have I ever been on a train before.

390. Never have I ever flown in an airplane.

391. Never have I ever seen the ocean before.

392. Never have I ever climbed a tree before.

393. Never have I ever played a musical instrument.

394. Never have I ever been on a road trip.

395. Never have I ever stayed in a hospital overnight.

396. Never have I ever tripped over my shoelaces.

397. Never have I ever participated in a race.

398. Never have I ever had a cavity in my life.

399. Never have I ever eaten squid before.

400. Never have I ever been on a zipline.

401. Never have I ever climbed a mountain.

402. Never have I ever taken a city bus before.

403. Never have I ever ridden a horse before.

404. Never have I ever played in a treehouse.

405. Never have I ever had a bloody nose.

406. Never have I ever been late for school.

407. Never have I ever chewed on a pencil.

408. Never have I ever played the Fortnite game.

409. Never have I ever tripped on the street and pretended nothing happened.

410. Never have I ever binge-watched my favorite cartoon.

411. Never have I ever moved from one house to another.

412. Never have I ever been car sick

413. Never have I ever spent the entire night playing video games.

414. Never have I ever fed my dinner to the dog when my parents were not looking.

415. Never have I ever pretended to need the bathroom to get out of something.

416. Never have I ever claimed I had cleaned my teeth when I hadn't

417. Never have I ever pretended to complete my chores

418. Never have I ever when my parents and teachers weren't looking, I made silly faces at them

419. Never have I ever blamed my brother or sister for the shambles I had created.

420. Never have I ever pretended to be sick in order to get out of school.

421. Never have I ever secretly listened in on my parents

422. Never have I ever been chastised for misbehaving in class

423. Never have I ever eaten my booger.

424. Never have I ever had an unflattering haircut

425. Never have I ever blamed the dog. My nose was wiped on my clothes.

426. Never have I ever farted In the car

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427. Never have I ever taken a cruise.

428. Never have I ever needed stitches.

429. Never have I ever tried skydiving.

430. Never have I ever farted in front of my crush.

431. Never have I ever had a tattoo. 

432. Never have I ever had my ears pierced.

433. Never have I ever had anything but my ears pierced.

434. Never have I ever scaled a mountain.

435. Never have I ever taken a cross-country road trip.

436. Never have I ever been in a car accident.

437. Never have I ever worked on a film set.

438. Never have I ever shot a gun.

439. Never have I ever kissed someone in public before.

440. Never have I ever fought in public with a lover.

441. Never have I ever skipped a meal at a restaurant.

442. Never have I ever messed up a wedding.

443. Never have I ever trolled anyone on social media

444. Never have I ever jumped out of a window before.

445. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I peed my pants.

446. Never have I ever made up a fake boyfriend/girlfriend.

447. Never have I ever pretended to be sick just to get people's attention.

448. Never have I ever yelled at anyone in public before.

449. Never have I ever participated in a talent show.

450. Never have I ever eaten fast food for every meal of the day.

451. Never have I ever tried my hand at strip poker before.

452. Never have I ever been on a blind date. 

453. Never have I ever given a stranger my phone number.

454. Never have I ever stayed up late playing video games.

455. Never have I ever bought a handbag for more than $100.

456. Never have I ever thrown anything at anyone.

457. Never have I ever worn another person's underwear.

458. Never have I ever been arrested for taking part in a protest.

459. Never have I ever stayed out for more than 24 hours.

460. Never have I ever had a friend with benefits.

461.Never have I ever gone to the movies by myself.

462. Never have I ever given myself a surprise party.

463. Never have I ever, as an adult,  tried baby food.

464. Never have I ever visited Disney World.

465. Never have I ever made my own card game.

466. Never have I ever regretted not getting a tattoo.

467. Never have I ever dropped a phone in the toilet.

468. Never have I ever photographed someone without their knowledge.

469. Never have I ever cut my own hair.

470. Never have I ever shaved my own head.

471. Never have I ever swum with dolphins before.

472. Never have I ever handled a snake.

473. Never have I ever touched a spider. 

474. Never have I ever tried out for a talent show.

475. Never have I ever left my house.

476. Never have I ever cast a ballot in an election.

477. Never have I ever been chased by a wild animal before.

478. Never have I ever cooked on a grill before. 

479. Never have I ever been scared of clowns..

480. Never have I ever laughed at a joke that I didn't get.

481. Never have I ever stolen food from someone else's plate.

482. Never have I ever participated in a restaurant food challenge. 

483. Never have I ever asked to leave a library.

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How To Play Never Have I Ever?

"Never Have I Ever" is ideal for a virtual game night or online happy hour.

It's free, requires no props, is simple to play in person as well as online and helps you realize how similar (or dissimilar) you are to your friends.

If you've never played it before, the concept is straightforward: Each person raises a hand or glass and takes turns saying something they have never done while saying, "Never have I ever..."

They put their finger down if anyone has performed the action. The last player standing wins.

To keep the game interesting, we created a list of exciting "Never Have I Ever" questions to put your group to the test.

Depending on how extreme you want to take your party, we mixed in some clean, yet funny, prompts as well as some dirty offerings. Now let's raise those fingers.

For people working remote or hybrid, some fun at work is necessary for employee engagement and retention.


Never Have I Ever is a very popular party game and an icebreaker game at work. There are some work appropriate never have I ever questions that can work wonders for entertaining small and large groups at work. Team building games at work can help your team bond better and step up your employee engagement game. 

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FAQs: Never Have I Ever Game

What is Never Have I Ever?

Never Have I Ever is a fun icebreaker game that is played at parties or get togethers.

It is ideal for small and large groups to break the ice and have some laughs together.

These questions is a great way to get to know someone better.

They can be used as icebreakers, get people talking and laughing, and help people bond with each other. S

o next time you're looking for a fun and easy way to break the ice or banter around, consider a game of Never have I ever.

How do you play Never Have I Ever?

To play Never Have I Ever, one player asks a situational question and everyone who has been in that situation, raises their hand to show that “I have”.

Traditionally, it is played as a drinking game with people that fit the situation, take a sip of their drink.

For example: if the question is "never have I ever been to Paris", then each player needs to answer "have you ever been to Paris?” If they say "yes", then they need to take one sip of their drink.

If they say "no", then they do not take a sip of their drink.

How can “Never Have I Ever” questions be used at work?

Never Have I Ever can be played at work easily with work-appropriate questions.

It can help with team building and can act as a fun virtual team building activity for remote and hybrid teams.

They can be a fun and effective way to get to know your coworkers.

By asking questions about your colleagues' past experiences, you can build rapport and trust, and learn more about their skills and abilities. Ultimately, Never Have I Ever questions can help you create a more cohesive team, build team morale, and promote teamwork.

How to play Never have I Ever without alcohol?

Never have I ever is a popular game in social circles.

With alcohol, the game becomes more challenging and intriguing given the effects of the alcohol, which might make one say more about themselves and open up about their deepest secrets.

Playing the game without alcohol is a great way to get to know your friends or family better and have some innocent fun.

There is no need for expensive liqour or props, and it can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Few alternative ideas as a substitute for alcohol:

1. Replace cocktails with mocktails

2. Replace drinks with food (Like pizza)

3. Keep pointers for every “yes” and the first one to reach it wins a prize.

4. Last one standing, with the most “No” wins the prize.

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