Product Management OKR Examples for a PM to structure day to day work and avoid distractions

Defining Product OKRs can help Product Managers focus on what matters most

Product Management is a crucial role in tech and tech-enabled organizations as it is a role that brings together business and technology teams. And the role of a Product Manager could be daunting if there is no clarity and structure of a PM’s objectives. One of the critical functions of a Product Manager is to prioritize software development tasks and OKRs - right from Company OKRs - make setting priorities simpler. 

In this article, we will cover the points mentioned below:

  • What are some good Product OKRs?
  • Examples of Product Management OKR for start-ups and large corporations.
  • How to write effective Product OKR?

Product Management OKR Examples

Objective A: Increase user engagement of existing product

  • Key Result 1: Increase Daily Active Users to 50% of total active users
  • Key Result 2: Decrease uninstall rate by 15%
  • Key Result 3: Improve conversion on the user on-boarding flow by 20%

Objective B: Launch the new iOS application

  • Key Result 1: Do a Private Beta with 1,000 customers
  • Key Result 2: Fix all the bugs reported and make critical improvements
  • Key Result 3: Launch the product on ProductHunt and Betalist

Objective C: Validate the new SaaS product idea

  • Key Result 1: Prepare a concept note or a slide deck of the idea
  • Key Result 2: Identify and contact 20 relevant subject matter experts in the industry
  • Key Result 3: Talk to 50 potential customers and take their feedback

Objective D: Build an MVP

  • Key Result 1: Create a mockup of the MVP
  • Key Result 2: Finalize the backend architecture of the product and set up database and backend APIs
  • Key Result 3: Develop front-end of the product and integrate it with backend
  • Key Result 4: Test out all the flows of the MVP

OKR Examples

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