85+ Fact or Fiction Questions to Spice Up Game Night

A game of fact or fiction is all you need for a fun game night with your friends. Check out our list of fact or fiction questions and answers to get started.

We all love a good game of Fact or Fiction questions, don’t we?

Fact or fiction is a simple and effective icebreaker game that can be played as a 2-player game or even as a large group game. It is often played similarly to Two Truths and a Lie game or a True or False Trivia game. 

The game doesn’t require you to do any extensive preparation or research  — you just need a bunch of statements to use for the True or False style game and none, if you are playing it in the Two Truths and a Lie format. Nevertheless, it is a great virtual game to help teams bond with each other. Scroll down to get a list of Fact or fiction questions and answers (we’ve included explanations too).

In this blog, we will cover:

  • Funny Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • Work Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • Science Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • History Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • Geography Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • Food Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • Pop Culture & Entertainment Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • Animals Fact Or Fiction Questions
  • Fact or Fiction on Ricotta

Time to get started!

Funny Fact or Fiction Questions

fact or fiction questions

  1. Penguins can fly if they really try. 

Fiction. Penguins are flightless birds. Their wings are adapted for swimming, not flying.

  1. A banana is a berry, but a strawberry isn't. 

Fact. A banana qualifies as a berry, but a strawberry does not because its seeds are on the outside.

  1. The inventor of the frisbee was turned into a frisbee after he died. 

Fact. Walter Morrison, the inventor of the Frisbee, was cremated, and his ashes were molded into a Frisbee.

  1. You can sneeze in your sleep without waking up. 

Fiction. The nerves responsible for the sneeze reflex are also resting.

  1. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. 

Fact. It symbolizes purity and strength in Scottish heraldry.

  1. Cats have more bones than humans. 

Fact. Cats typically have about 230 bones, while humans have 206.

  1. It's illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland because they get lonely.

Fact. Swiss law prohibits owning just one guinea pig to prevent loneliness.

  1. Sharks can blink with both eyes. 

Fiction. Sharks do not have eyelids as humans do, so they cannot blink. 

  1. An octopus has three hearts. 

Fact. Two pump blood to the gills, and one pumps it to the rest of the body.

  1. The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer. 

Fact. The metal on the Eiffel Tower expands in the summer heat by 15 cm.

  1. Watermelons can explode if you cover them in rubber bands. 

Fact. If you put enough rubber bands, the pressure can cause it to explode.

  1.  A cow-bison hybrid is called a "beefalo". 

Fact. Beefalo is indeed the name for a cow (bovine) and bison hybrid.

  1.  Bubble wrap was originally intended to be used as wallpaper. 

Fact. Bubble wrap was indeed first invented as a type of wallpaper.

  1. Bananas are naturally radioactive. 

Fact. Bananas contain radioactive potassium-40, but the levels are not harmful.

  1. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire. 

Fact. Oxford dates back to at least 1096, predating the founding of Tenochtitlán in 1325.

Work Fact or Fiction Questions

  1. Working from bed increases productivity. 

Fiction. Working from bed often decreases productivity and disrupts sleep patterns.

  1. The average person will spend one-third of their life at work. 

Fact. A significant portion of life is indeed spent working.

  1. Coffee breaks originated in ancient Egypt. 

Fiction. Coffee breaks are modern, with no ties to ancient Egypt.

  1. Monday is the most productive day of the week. 

Fiction. Tuesday often ranks as the most productive day, not Monday.

  1. The longest recorded time someone has continuously worked is 72 hours. 

Fiction. There are records of longer work stretches, but they're unhealthy.

  1. An office desk has more bacteria than a toilet seat. 

Fact. Office desks can harbor more bacteria due to eating and infrequent cleaning.

  1. Remote workers are more likely to work in pajamas than traditional office workers. 

Fact. Many remote workers choose comfort with pajamas or casual wear.

  1. Yawning is contagious even over Zoom calls.

Fact. Yawning is triggered by seeing or hearing another person yawn, even if it's through a video call.

  1. The first computer mouse was made of wood.

Fact. The first prototype of a computer mouse, created in the 1960s, was indeed made of wood.

  1. Typing "QWERTY" on a keyboard is faster than any other word.

Fiction. The speed of typing a word depends on the typist's familiarity and practice.

Science Fact Or Fiction Questions

  1. Water boils faster at higher altitudes.

Fact. Lower atmospheric pressure means water boils at a lower temperature, making it boil faster.

  1. Humans use only 10% of their brains.

Fiction. Brain imaging studies show we use every part of the brain, and most of the brain is active all the time.

  1. Lightning never strikes the same place twice.

Fiction. Lightning can strike the same place more than once

  1. Humans and dinosaurs coexisted.

Fiction. Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years before humans appeared.

  1. Goldfish have a three-second memory.

Fiction. Goldfish can remember things for months, not just a few seconds.

  1. Sharks can smell a drop of blood from miles away.

Fact. Sharks have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, allowing them to detect blood at very low concentrations.

  1. Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when scared.

Fiction. Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand; this is a myth.

  1. Venus rotates clockwise, unlike most planets.

Fact. Venus has a retrograde rotation, making it one of the few planets in the solar system that rotates clockwise.

  1. All snowflakes have six sides.

Fact. Snowflakes crystallize in a hexagonal pattern, resulting in six-sided symmetry.

  1. The human stomach gets a new lining every three to four days.

Fact. The stomach cells renew rapidly to prevent digestion of the stomach lining by stomach acid.

History Fact Or Fiction Questions

  1. The Vikings discovered America before Christopher Columbus.

Fact. Norse explorer Leif Erikson is believed to have reached North America around the year 1000, almost 500 years before Columbus's voyage in 1492.

  1. The Aztec Empire was still thriving when the first Europeans arrived in the Americas.

Fact. The Aztec Empire was at the height of its power when the Spanish, led by Hernán Cortés, arrived in 1519.

  1. The Great Plague of London was caused by rats.

Fiction. While rats were involved, it was the fleas on rats that transmitted the bubonic plague to humans in 1665.

  1. The Terracotta Army was discovered by farmers digging a well in 1974.

Fact. The Terracotta Army, created for the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, was discovered by local farmers in Xi'an, China, in 1974.

  1. The concept of zero was invented by the Ancient Greeks.

Fiction. The concept of zero as a number was developed by ancient Indian mathematicians.

  1. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows because it was fashionable in Florence at the time to shave them off.

Fact. It was indeed fashionable for women during that era in Florence to pluck their eyebrows.

  1. The first known use of anesthesia was in ancient China.

Fact. Ancient Chinese texts describe the use of cannabis and other herbs as anesthetics during surgery.

  1. The Eiffel Tower was originally intended to be dismantled after 20 years.

Fact. It was saved due to its usefulness as a radiotelegraph station.

  1. Julius Caesar was once kidnapped by pirates.

Fact. Caesar was indeed kidnapped by Cilician pirates and held for ransom. He even joked that he would return to crucify them, which he later did after his release.

  1. The city of Rome was founded by twin brothers raised by a wolf.

Fiction. According to Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus were raised by a she-wolf, but this is a legend rather than a historical fact.

history fact or fiction

Geography Fact Or Fiction Questions

  1. Australia is wider than the moon.

Fact. Australia's width of 4,000 km is greater than the moon's diameter of about 3,474 km.

  1. Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.

Fact. Canada is home to over 2 million lakes, accounting for about 60% of the world's total.

  1. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.

Fact. Vatican City, with an area of about 44 hectares is the smallest independent state.

  1. Mount Everest grows taller every year.

Fact. Due to tectonic activity, Mount Everest grows about 4 mm each year.

  1. The Amazon Rainforest produces 20% of the world's oxygen.

Fiction. While the Amazon is crucial for producing oxygen, it consumes nearly as much as it produces.

  1. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on dry land.

Fact. The surface and shores of the Dead Sea are over 430 meters below sea level

  1. Africa and South America fit together like puzzle pieces.

Fact. They were once joined in the supercontinent Gondwana.

  1. The Nile River flows south to north.

Fact. The Nile is one of the few rivers in the world that flows predominantly northward.

  1. Lake Baikal in Russia is the world's deepest and oldest freshwater lake.

Fact. It reaches depths of 1,642 meters and is estimated to be 25 million years old.

  1. The world's longest mountain range is underwater.

Fact. The Mid-Ocean Ridge is the longest mountain range, stretching about 65,000 km.

Food Fact Or Fiction Questions

  1. Carrots were originally purple.

Fact. The first cultivated carrots were indeed purple, along with yellow and white.

  1. Chocolate was once used as currency.

Fact. The ancient Maya and Aztec people used cocoa beans as a form of currency.

  1. Pineapples grow on trees.

Fiction. Pineapples actually grow on the ground from a leafy plant.

  1. Peanuts are nuts.

Fiction. Peanuts are legumes, not nuts. They grow underground, unlike tree nuts like almonds and walnuts.

  1. Chewing gum takes seven years to digest.

Fiction. Chewing gum is mostly indigestible but passes through the digestive system.

  1. The world's most expensive spice is saffron.

Fact. Saffron is the most expensive spice by weight.

  1. White chocolate is chocolate.

Fiction. White chocolate contains cocoa butter but lacks cocoa solids.

  1. The Caesar salad is named after Julius Caesar.

Fiction. It was named after Caesar Cardini, an Italian immigrant who invented the dish in Mexico in the 1920s.

  1. Coffee is made from beans.

Fiction. Coffee is made from pits inside the coffee fruit.

  1. The hottest chili pepper in the world is the Carolina Reaper.

Fact. Carolina Reaper holds the title for the world's hottest chili pepper.

Pop Culture & Entertainment Fact Or Fiction Questions

  1. Walt Disney holds the record for the most Academy Awards.

Fact. Walt Disney won 22 Oscars from 59 nominations, making him the record holder for both.

  1. The Beatles originally started as a skiffle band.

Fact. The Beatles were indeed a skiffle band, blending jazz, blues, and folk influences.

  1. James Bond was created by an American author.

Fiction. James Bond was created by British author Ian Fleming.

  1. The first music video ever broadcast on MTV was Video Killed the Radio Star.

Fact. MTV launched on August 1, 1981, with Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles.

  1. Casablanca was originally a comic book.

Fiction. Casablanca was based on an unproduced stage play called Everybody Comes to Rick's.

  1. Marilyn Monroe was the first cover star of Playboy magazine.

Fact. She appeared on the cover of the first issue of Playboy in December 1953.

  1. The original name of Twitter was Twttr.

Fact. Twitter was originally named Twttr, a name inspired by Flickr.

  1. Leonardo DiCaprio's first Oscar win was for Titanic.

Fiction. It was for The Revenant in 2016.

  1. Game of Thrones was originally pitched as a movie.

Fiction. Game of Thrones was conceived as a TV series for HBO.

  1. The first product to have a barcode was a pack of gum.

Fact. The first product scanned using a UPC barcode was a pack of Wrigley's chewing gum in 1974.

Animals Fact Or Fiction Questions

  1. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

Fact. Dolphins are conscious breathers and keep one-half of their brain awake to breathe.

  1. Koalas have fingerprints almost identical to humans.

Fact. Koala fingerprints are remarkably similar to human ones.

  1. Penguins propose to each other with pebbles.

Fact. Male penguins often present pebbles to females as part of their courtship behavior.

  1. Cows have best friends.

Fact. Studies have shown that cows form close bonds with others in their herd.

  1. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.

Fiction. Even rhinos and hippos also can't.

  1. A group of owls is called a parliament.

Fact. It reflects the traditional association of these birds with wisdom.

76. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.

Fiction. There's no evidence to support that they always turn left.

  1. Giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae as humans.

Fact. Despite their long necks, giraffes only have seven cervical vertebrae like humans.

  1. Platypuses glow under ultraviolet light.

Fact. Platypuses have biofluorescent fur, which means they can absorb ultraviolet light. 

  1. The tongue of a blue whale weighs more than most elephants.

Fact. The tongue of a blue whale can weigh up to 2.7 tonnes (3 tons).

  1. Frogs can freeze without dying.

Fact. Ice crystals form in their body cavity, but high glucose concentrations in their vital organs prevent freezing, allowing them to revive after thawing.

animal fact or fiction

Fact or Fiction on Slack & Microsoft Teams (Virtual Fact or Fiction)

We’re happy to announce that Fact or Fiction can be played on the Ricotta app. To play, you simply need to install the Ricotta app on your Slack or Microsoft Teams workspace. 

To play a game of Fact or Fiction, you simply need to post the game on your channel of choice. Once it is posted, everyone from your team on that channel can participate in the game. 

Simply click on either “Fact” or “Fiction” button to enter your answer. You will see a prompt telling you if you are right or wrong. You will also be able to see who answered the question correctly.

fact or fiction ricotta on slack
fact or fiction ricotta on slack

Play Fact or Fiction on Slack

Play Fact or Fiction on Microsoft Teams


Fact or fiction questions allow us to broaden our knowledge and understanding of the things around us. They also help us play together and bond in a group setting. From animals to history and pop culture, we've uncovered some amazing realities and debunked common myths. 

Play more such games like Hot Takes, Unpopular Opinions and Most Likely To.

FAQ: Fact or Fiction Questions

What are the Best Fact or Fiction questions?

Here are some best fact or fiction questions:

  • Sea otters have a favorite rock for cracking open shellfish.

Fact. They store it in their underarm pouch.

  • Chameleons change color to match their surroundings.

Fiction. Color change is for communication and temperature regulation.

  • The tongue of a blue whale is as heavy as an elephant.

Fact. Reflects the blue whale's massive size.

  • Dinosaurs roared like in the movies.

Fiction. They likely made more bird-like sounds.

  • Platypuses can sense prey through electrosensation.

Fact. They detect electric fields from prey movements.

How to play Fact or Fiction game?

To play Fact or Fiction with a group of friends, you need a list of fact or fiction statements to begin with. Each player can take turns reading out the statement and the other players guess if they are true or false. The results are then announced. The person with the most correct guesses wins. This game can be themed around various topics like science, history and pop culture.

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