120+ Best Either Or Questions for Couples, Kids & Adults

This list of best either or questions is all you need for a fun game night. Try some good and funny either or questions to break the ice and spice things up.

You’re at the perfect spot for a list of either or questions and answers.

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a conversation, searching for something fun to say? Either or questions are great for that! They give you two funny or interesting choices and can really get people talking and laughing. Whether it's deciding if you'd rather fight tiny horses or a giant duck, or choosing between talking only in emojis or movie quotes, these questions are perfect for livening up any chat. Let's check out some funny, good and fun either or questions that will make your conversations a hit!

If you’re looking for more fun games, you can check out Fact or Fiction Questions, Unpopular Opinions and Truth or Dare Questions.  

In this blog, we will cover:

  • Funny Either Or Questions 
  • Good Either Or Questions
  • Fun Either Or Questions 
  • Either Or Questions for couples 
  • Either Or Questions kids 
  • Either Or Questions for adults 
  • Either Or Icebreaker Questions 
  • Either Or Questions for work 
  • Either Or Questions for students 
  • Either Or Questions for friends 
  • Food Either Or Questions 
  • Controversial Either Or Questions 

Funny Either Or Questions 

  1. Have a permanent clown nose or clown shoes?
  2. Only be able to move in slow motion or fast forward?
  3. Have ducks for feet or spaghetti for hair?
  4. Always talk like a robot or sing instead of speak?
  5. Wear a tutu every day or a costume of your choice only on the weekends?
  6. Have fingers as long as your legs or legs as long as your fingers?
  7. Be a human disco ball or a walking, talking mirror?
  8. Laugh uncontrollably at serious moments or cry at funny ones?
  9. Only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
  10. Turn into a frog every time you get wet or a bird every time you jump?
  11. Fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?
  12. Wear socks with sandals for a year or wear a clown wig to every important event?

Good Either Or Questions

  1. Live without music or without movies?
  2. Have the ability to read minds or to be invisible?
  3. Be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?
  4. Have endless money but no friends or be surrounded by loved ones but not have money?
  5. Know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
  6. Live in space or under the sea?
  7. Experience the world's beginning or its end?
  8. Have a rewind button or a pause button for your life?
  9. Only use a fork or only use a spoon for the rest of your life?
  10. Be a master of every musical instrument or fluent in every language?

Fun Either Or Questions 

  1. Spend a day in space or under the ocean?
  2. Go on a wild adventure or relax at a luxury spa?
  3. Have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?
  4. Travel back in time to meet your ancestors or forward to meet your descendants?
  5. Be famous in this lifetime or go down in the history books?
  6. Have super speed or super strength?
  7. Be able to teleport anywhere or read minds?
  8. Win an Olympic medal or an Academy Award?
  9. Fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
  10. Have a night out with your favorite fictional character or your favorite celebrity?

Either Or Questions for Couples

  1. Spend every day together but never travel or travel the world but see each other rarely?
  2. Adopt a pet or start a garden together?
  3. Have a big wedding or elope?
  4. Get matching tattoos or wear matching outfits every day?
  5. Spend a romantic evening in Paris or on a secluded beach?
  6. Share a hobby or have individual hobbies to bring new stories to each other?
  7. Plan every detail of your lives or live spontaneously?
  8. Always make decisions together or take turns making decisions?
  9. Work together on a big project or support each other's projects?
  10. Watch a sunrise or a sunset together?


Either Or Questions Kids 

  1. Have a magic carpet that flies or own a see-through submarine?
  2. Be able to create colorful fireworks at will or make it snow anytime?
  3. Have shoes that can make you jump incredibly high or gloves that can make you climb any surface?
  4. Eat only pizza for a year or never eat ice cream again?
  5. Become a character in your favorite book or your favorite movie?
  6. Talk to water animals or fly with birds?
  7. Have the power to shrink anything you touch or grow anything you touch?
  8. Live in a world where everything is made out of Legos or everything is made out of clay?
  9. Only play video games or only play outside?
  10. Have a robot best friend or a talking pet?

Either Or Questions for Adults 

  1. Invest all your money in stocks or real estate?
  2. Have a high-paying job with long hours or a modest job with lots of free time?
  3. Retire early with less money or work longer for a more luxurious retirement?
  4. Own your dream home in a mediocre location or an average home in your dream location?
  5. Live without internet for a year or without air conditioning/heating?
  6. Take a chance on a risky business or have a stable but unfulfilling job?
  7. Go back to college for your dream job or start your own business?
  8. Have a personal chef or a personal trainer?
  9. Work in an office with friends or remote work in your dream location?
  10. Own a secluded cabin in the mountains or a bustling city apartment with a skyline view?

Either Or Icebreaker Questions 

  1. Discover that you have a hidden talent for singing or for solving complex puzzles?
  2. Live one year with the ability to teleport anywhere or have a lifetime supply of your favorite snack?
  3. Be famous in history books or be rich during your lifetime but forgotten after?
  4. Have a rewind button for your life or a fast-forward button?
  5. Always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?
  6. Find true love today or solve world hunger?
  7. Be able to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages fluently?
  8. Win an Olympic medal or win a Nobel Prize?
  9. Have a private island or a private jet?
  10. Spend a day in the past without changing anything or spend a day in the future but you can change one thing?

Either Or Questions for Work 

  1. Attend meetings dressed as a superhero or wear pajamas to every presentation?
  2. Have your emails auto-corrected by a comedian or have all your reports proofread by a pirate?
  3. Work in an office where the AC is always too cold or where the heater is always too hot?
  4. Have a desk that's a giant hamster wheel or a chair that's a bouncy castle?
  5. Get coffee from a machine that tells bad jokes or have a water cooler that gives life advice?
  6. Participate in team-building exercises led by clowns or have your team meetings in a treehouse?
  7. Use a banana as a phone for conference calls or type all your emails on a typewriter?
  8. Have an office pet that's a talking parrot repeating office gossip or a goat that eats unwanted paperwork?
  9. Ride a unicycle to your desk or slide down a fireman's pole to get to meetings?
  10. Work with a team of robots who sing work instructions or have a boss who communicates only through interpretive dance?

Either Or Questions for Students 

  1. Study in complete silence or with your favorite music?
  2. Have a group project with your friends or work solo on a project?
  3. Attend classes in person or watch recorded lectures?
  4. Get around campus on a hoverboard or by teleportation?
  5. Attend classes in a castle tower or an underwater dome?
  6. Have an inspirational teacher in a subject you dislike or a boring teacher in your favorite subject?
  7. Have extra credit opportunities or no final exams?
  8. Use only digital textbooks or only physical textbooks?
  9. Have early morning classes or late evening classes?
  10. Spend a semester abroad in a country where you don't speak the language or intern with a company of your choice in your hometown?

Either Or Questions for Friends 

  1. Go on a road trip across the country or fly to a distant exotic location?
  2. Have a movie marathon or a game night?
  3. Share secrets in a cozy café or on a scenic hike?
  4. Have a friend who's always early or always late?
  5. Be stuck on a deserted island with your best friend or in a bustling city with someone you dislike?
  6. Always laugh together at things nobody else finds funny or have deep, meaningful conversations?
  7. Borrow clothes from each other or swap playlists?
  8. Go to a theme park or a music festival together?
  9. Spend a day doing extreme sports or relaxing at a spa?
  10. Solve a mystery together or start a band?

Food Either Or Questions 

  1. Eat only spicy food for a month or have no salt in your food for a month?
  2. Try a new restaurant every week or cook a new recipe at home every week?
  3. Have dinner with your favorite chef or have them teach you to cook?
  4. Give up chocolate or give up cheese?
  5. Eat only your favorite meal for the rest of your life or never eat your favorite meal again?
  6. Go vegan for a year or eat only meat and dairy for a year?
  7. Have a personal sommelier or a personal barista?
  8. Only eat at Michelin-star restaurants or only eat street food?
  9. Have breakfast for every meal or dinner for every meal?
  10. Give up coffee or give up alcohol?


So, we've had our fun with these either or questions, right? They're perfect for making any conversation more lively and getting a few laughs. Whether you're trying to break the ice or just keep the conversation interesting, these questions can really help. Just toss one into the mix and see where things go. Keep those choices and conversations going!

Frequently Asked Questions about Either Or Questions

What are Either Or Questions and answers?

Either Or Questions is a game of two choices, asking the responder to select one. These questions are used to spark conversations, reveal preferences, and encourage decision-making. They can range from silly and humorous to thought-provoking and challenging, making them versatile for various contexts, such as icebreakers, team-building activities, or just fun discussions among friends.

How to play Either Or Questions?

To play "Either Or Questions," just ask someone to choose between two fun options. It’s great for getting to know people or for a quick laugh. The game can be played in groups or one-on-one, often leading to discussions about the reasons behind each choice. There’s no wrong answer, so it’s super easy and fun for everyone.

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